Homes for Sale in Caledonia

Caledonia Still an area that is affordable for first time buyers but still offering the essentials. To get where you need with TTC transportation, a quick jump to St. Clair Ave W or Eglinton Ave W. is all you need. These are great travel arteries to get you where you need to go and still enjoy living in the city. It’s easy travel north, south, east and west. European styled homes with neat front yards adorn this area. Whether you are looking for a duplex or detached single this market is rich with them.

Top 5 things we love about Caledonia

  • A school for everyone

    Schools in the area include: Fairbank Memorial Community School FH Miller Junior Public School Fairbank Public School, a TDSB school, is in the community[citation needed] DB Hood Community School had been converted to the Lycée Français de Toronto, a private French school [6]

  • Nova Era Bakery

    It is a great place to go with the family to have breakfast. The bakery is gorgeous inside!

  • Glamour Sports Bar

    It is the "CHEERS" in Toronto. Friendly and everybody knows your name. The setting is relaxing, comfortable but most of all, there are great entertainments all the time.

  • Marc's Mushrooms & Wild Harvest

    Hands down THE best purveyor of mushrooms, wild and cultivated, in the city if not province. They also carry a wide range of frozen items like berries and many other seasonal culinary specialties. Always a number one choice when selecting ingredients!

  • A rich and diverse cultural experience is here

    There are a large number of people who speak Portuguese and Italian, with many recognizable ethnic influences in the neighbourhood.

How much does it cost to live in Caledonia?

Average Detached
Average Attached
Average Condo Apartment
Average Price Change

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