Wallace Emerson While Wallace Emerson has been widely known as a community with an aging population, the secret is getting out and we’re seeing an influx of young families buying and renovating old homes in the area. An area rich in diversity and history, the Wallace Emerson area of Toronto has a great mix of parks, public transit, small businesses, restaurants and a residential experience that offers a wide range of real estate opportunities. A state of the art community/village is being created with many residential units and commercial/retail space and will soon be available creating and affordable means to purchase while still having all the shopping needs within the area and walking distance to the subway line. Whether you are searching for a duplex with a great curb appeal, an apartment or a condo, the area offers one the best mixes of real estate in Toronto.
With a long history with the Portuguese and Italian cultures we are now seeing a changing neighborhood makeup bringing the different cultures of the world to this small neighborhood within Toronto. This is offering you a unique lifestyle opportunity for you and your family.
Older European styled homes, neat properties with small private backyards
Minutes away from the Museum of Contemporary Art
Brunch at any of the sidewalk cafes in the neighbourhood
The Paris Bakery and Wallace Expresso are across the street from eachother!
Public transportation is at your doorstep
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In vel interdum purus. Nulla blandit volutpat urna ut faucibus. Nullam molestie luctus leo. Cras a fermentum sem, et fringilla diam. Phasellus nec nunc mauris. Ut id tellus aliquam, imperdiet urna eu, scelerisque felis. Aliquam augue purus, molestie pharetra nunc eget,
scelerisque dignissim nulla. Nulla iaculis, dolor ut vestibulum eleifend, erat turpis molestie libero, sed varius elit felis vel enim. Pellentesque varius nibh sit amet metus hendrerit pharetra.
Praesent risus diam, consequat ut neque eu, mollis posuere lectus. Suspendisse id lorem risus. Fusce bibendum arcu et posuere laoreet. Fusce sit amet euismod nisl. Vestibulum metus nunc, fermentum eget sem nec, imperdiet scelerisque orci. Vestibulum rutrum purus id ante hendrerit placerat eget et lorem. Maecenas ut libero eget felis dapibus aliquet.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi sed nibh diam. In quis dolor dui. Maecenas accumsan molestie purus feugiat interdum. Fusce efficitur bibendum ultricies. Morbi viverra lorem vitae tellus interdum scelerisque. Pellentesque nec nunc justo. Cras enim orci, lobortis et suscipit hendrerit, convallis ac purus. Pellentesque fringilla nunc non orci maximus vulputate. Vivamus posuere fermentum sapien, vel malesuada risus pharetra sed. Curabitur aliquam, ipsum id congue faucibus, lectus ex rhoncus mi, et mattis felis justo a ex. Maecenas quis magna id felis viverra dignissim id in nisl. Donec eget vestibulum mi.