Homes for Sale in North Park

North Park, a real hidden gem in the Keele & Lawrence area that not too many people know about. A very private and secluded area offering the biggest lot sizes and properties in the surrounding area. When driving into North park drive and the connecting streets, you will be amazed by the large custom homes and tree lines streets and have a euphoric feeling when driving through.  The area doesn’t hold many residences and the houses in this pocket are rarely offered for sale. If you like ravine lots, this is one of the areas where you can find 200ft deep lots with no neighbors behind you. You can own a nice getaway oasis in the city

Top 5 things we love about North Park

  • North Park

    A major green sanctuary in the middle of your neighborhood. Full of trails North Park offers you biking routes and opportunity to go for a relaxed walk with your family and pet. A 10.8 hectare park near Keele Street and Highway 401 that features two outdoor tennis courts, three bocce courts, a children's playground and walking path through a forested ravine that connects with neighbouring streets.

  • Access to the highway

    With the 401 at the northern edge getting across Toronto has never been easier

  • A sense of community

    Established neighborhood with modern amenities. Many detached homes with private driveways and garages, fenced in properties offer you and your family the modern neighborhood experience.

  • Business opportunities closeby

    Bordering on the eastern edge of North Park and stretching between Caledonia Road and Dufferin is a major industrial and retail area offering manufacturing, warehousing and a wide array of retail stores catering to the homeowners, decor professionals and DIYers.

  • A diverse range of homes

    A buyers markets offering a wide range of home sizes to meet your budget

How much does it cost to live in North Park?

Average Detached
Average Attached
Average Condo Apartment
Average Price Change

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There is no Current Open Houses in this Neighbourhood yet.

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